Healthy Neighborhoods Inc.
In July of 2007 the Coldstream Homestead Montebello community officially became a part of
Healthy Neighborhoods.
Healthy Neighborhoods Inc. helps strong but undervalued Baltimore neighborhoods market their communities, create high standards for property improvements, and forge strong connections among neighbors. The program oversees a private loan fund that provides low-interest purchase and renovation loans to home buyers in Baltimore City. The loan program is available for targeted Healthy Neighborhoods blocks and offers the opportunity to refinance higher interest rate loans and assists current home owners with financing home repairs and improvements. Additional services and professional advice, including housing counseling and free architectural advice for rehabbers, community projects which support positive images, neighborhood marketing and partnerships are also a part of the program.
For more information about loans to purchase and/or renovate a home, click here.
CHuM's Healthy Neighborhoods program target blocks are:
1900-2000 blocks of 30th Street
1600-2000 blocks of 31st Street
1600-2000 blocks of 32nd Street
1500-1800 blocks of 33rd Street
1600-1800 blocks of Chilton Street
2900-3100 blocks of Harford Road
3000-3200 blocks of The Alameda